I forgot to post links to where I found these pics online. Here they are.http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1115/1444283701_50556c7cb9.jpg?v=0http://www.emilysgifts.com/nascar/pdtl-900527001.jpghttp://4.bp.blogspot.com/_7Qrs_TYiWPY/Sd_G36l7ySI/AAAAAAAAA4c/MFABlNjGGQM/s400/Jeff-Gordon-Car.jpgI modified them a bit in the collage, but those links point to the original images I used.
I forgot to post links to where I found these pics online. Here they are.
I modified them a bit in the collage, but those links point to the original images I used.